What I enjoy
Rotary member since 2016
Member of Red Global MX since 2016 (co-founder and 1st president of the Korean Chapter)
Co-Founder and 1st president of the Mexican Student Association in Korea
Co-Founder of Greendrinks Guadalajara and Seoul
Travelled over 50 countries and counting
Lived in 6 countries on 4 continents
What I enjoy
​In detail​
Rotary member
Seoul Rotary Club - Young Leaders Club (2016-2017)​
Rotary Club Wageningen Bergpoort (2018)
Rotary Club Utrecht International (2019-2022)
Member of Red Global MX
Korean Chapter, co-founder, and president, 2016-2017
Netherlands Chapter, member, 2018 onwards
Co-Founder and 1st president of the Mexican Student Association in Korea, 2013-2014
Co-Founder of Greendrinks Guadalajara and Seoul
Other selected volunteer
Global Ecoleader Program, South Korea, 2013​.
Environmental Network Geo Juvenil Mexico, Mexico, 2011-2012.
Advisory Council for Sustainable Development (managed by UNDP Mexico), Mexico, 2011.
Titlalli environmental group, Mexico, 2005-2010.
Travelled over 50 countries and counting
Lived in 6 countries on 4 continents